Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.
~Author Unknown

I’m one of those people who look forward to the New Year to make changes in old habits. I have been resolving every year to lose the extra 10 pounds I gained after I turned 40. I lose 5 of them every week and every weekend they are right back home. Every year I resolve to write a novel or take acting lessons. I have yet to do either. None of my resolutions seem to come to fruition.

This year I resolve to be a better person. For instance, I am going to stop buying things that I don’t need. I am going to be a role model of frugality for my children and granddaughters. They are going to learn that sometimes the simplest things in life are free.

For instance:

Volunteering. My husband, who is retired, started volunteering at Senior Services. He drives elderly people to their doctor’s appointments. This makes him happy and it certainly makes the old folks happy. He is a wonderful role model for our granddaughters. And best of all, volunteering is free.

Long walks. I have spent the best part of my life taking walks with my husband. We walk all around our Seattle neighborhood. In the 27 years that we have been together we have walked all over Paris, London, New York, Venice, Prague, Vienna, Berlin, Dublin and so many more cities and towns. The world is different on foot and walking is free.

Taking pictures. I saw a young couple the weekend after Thanksgiving taking a picture of their baby in front of a decorated department store Christmas tree. The tree had two very large stuffed dogs on either side. The baby was sitting on a blanket in front of the tree with a big smile on her face. It looked like a perfect picture for the family Christmas card. That picture was free.

Love. The love I have for my family is free. Unconditional love is free. I know right now the world seems rather loveless in some areas, but not for me.

This year is going to be a good year. I’ll be a better role model for my grandchildren and I will help them to discover the joys of a simpler life. As my good friend Joan Smith, (who won’t tell me how old she is but I think she is in her late 70’s), says We aren’t here for a long time, we’re here for a good time! And that, my friends, is also free.

-Annie Davis